
How To Add a Final Surge Subscription to Your Legacy Endurance Nation Membership

How To Add a Final Surge Subscription to Your Legacy Endurance Nation Membership

If you want to / need to add a Final Surge subscription to your existing (legacy) membership, here are the steps!

Login to the NewMembers site: https://newmembers.endurancenation.us

Once you are logged in, go this web page: https://newmembers.endurancenation.us/register/final-surge-add-on/

You can complete the sign up on that page (you will need to add your payment information).

This will add the new subscription to your account — you will have more than one subscription — and we will then add Final Surge access to your membership account.

Once you have completed signing up, please confirm by messaging us using the Red Chat icon at the bottom of the webpage.

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